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How APNU Betrayed The People Of Linden.  


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May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'i VILLAGEVOICENEWS.COM Harmon wants swift handover of Linden TV| Village Voice News'

This is an example of APNU+AFC's deceit and how they broke all their promises and neglected ordinary Guyanese after they got into office in 2015. They campaigned on and made the transferral of this TV station to "the people of Linden" a hot topic issue before 2015. They refused to get it done during the five years they were in government. Harmon now claims that slow paperwork prevented them from doing so and is hypocritically calling on the new government to get it done.
But slow paperwork didn't prevent them from transferring tens of acres of State land at Ogle and elsewhere to their rich businessmen cronies without even receiving a cent in some cases and after they had lost the election. Slow paperwork did not prevent them from giving Brian BK Tiwari, Harmon's best friend and business partner, ownership of a state-owned wharf he previously leased, for next-to-nothing.
Slow paperwork did not prevent them from giving multi-millionaire businessman Lloyd Singh hundreds of acres of State forest.
Why didn't they rush to get it done during the five-month period when they were trying to remain in office through fraud?
But they didn't care about the people of Linden and Region Ten. These folks are only needed for their votes. 

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